How to Connect Raspberry Pi to Laptop Using HDMI?

Raspberry Pi is a small-sized PC. It is very convenient to use because of its weight and portability. In this article, you will come to know the whole procedure of connecting a raspberry Pi to a laptop using an hdmi cable. You can carry it easily from one place to another and can do all your technical and online stuff. But, the problem comes up with the screen. As the screen of raspberry Pi is very small you need to connect it to another laptop for a better experience. If you will surf the web you will find a lot of questions related to this like how to connect raspberry Pi to laptop using hdmi

Materials required

In most cases, people need access to their laptops or pc when they are far away from their homes or workplace. In this particular situation, you must keep all the necessary items in advance so that you will not find any difficulty while setting up. So the items you will require at the time of connecting a raspberry Pi to a laptop are as follows: 

  • Raspberry Pi
  • Laptop 
  • Ethernet cable
  • An SD card 
  • A micro USB cable 
  • HDMI/ AV display 
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse 

Steps to connect raspberry Pi to laptop using hdmi

 how to connect raspberry Pi to laptop using hdmi

Step1: The first step is to set up your Raspberry Pi. Now, there are a lot of options and software available to connect raspberry Pi to a laptop. Here as we are having Ethernet we can connect the raspberry Pi to the laptop through an Ethernet cable. Coming back to which software to use. Here, we are taking the help of the VNS server software to establish a connection between Raspberry Pi and the laptop. However, you can go for any other software according to your convenience. Now you can install this VNS server software and also you can have access to the internet in your raspberry Pi through the Wi-Fi of your laptop and Ethernet.  

Now for setting up the final connection between your Pi and laptop you will require a pre-installed OS SD card. If you are installing the OS for the first time you can go for the beginner’s guide. Also, you can watch video tutorials on the internet related to how to prepare your SD card for establishing a connection between raspberry Pi and a laptop. As the  SD card gets ready you can put it inside your PI and for powering the PI you can connect the USB cable. After this, you have set up a connection between your raspberry Pi and laptop through the Ethernet cable. Connect all other devices namely the keyboard, mouse, and HDMI display. After connecting all the required devices turn on your Raspberry Pi. 

Step2: Now, step1 was the overview of the connection like all things you will need to access and install for setting up a connection between your Raspberry Pi and your laptop. In the coming steps, you will come to know in detail about all the connections and installations mentioned above in step1. In this step, you will come to know about the ways of sharing your laptop’s internet to your Raspberry Pi with help of an Ethernet cable. For sharing your internet with multiple people via Ethernet you have to go to the center in windows stating network or sharing. Now, you have to go to the Wi-Fi network option available out there. After this, you will find an option stating properties you have to click on the same. Now, click on sharing, you will find an option related to allowing the other users for setting up a connection. You have to click on this option. Before doing this you have to check the connection make sure it is changed to set up a connection in your locality. This process will provide an IP to your connected devices. After this, you have to go to the newly set up area local connection link. You can also know the IP which will be allotted to your laptop. 

Step3: You need software to connect your raspberry Pi to your laptop. I have used the VNS server as mentioned above in the overview. In this step, you will come to know about the steps to install this VNS software into your laptop. As we are talking about the HDMI display. If you have access to an HDMI display you will need software like VNS to connect your raspberry Pi to your laptop. To install this VNS server in your Raspberry Pi follow the given instructions: 

  • First of all, you have to go to the LX terminal in your Raspberry Pi and type the commands which are mentioned in the manual. Also, you can get these commands through the internet. 
  • Now after entering these commands you will be asked to set up and enter a password. You can also make a one-time read password or permanent password. It completely depends upon your wish. Although, the password is asked only at the first time set up. After this, you will not be asked to enter any type of password in the future while connecting your raspberry Pi to your laptop. 


Can I use laptop as a monitor for raspberry Pi?

Yes, you can use your laptop screen as a monitor for Raspberry Pi. You can set up a connection between your Pi and laptop by following some simple steps. For this purpose, you can refer to the Raspberry Pi beginner’s guide.